1. Why do all of the photos in your store have TTL Photography on them?
The text you see on the image only occurs on the online version. It is a watermark to prevent the image from being used without permission. The printed version will not contain any watermark.
2. Your images look blurry or pixelated why is that?
Another artifact of the online presentation is that the images are kept to a small scale. This reduces the cost of displaying them as well as prevents them from being used without permission. The store does offer a zoom option that allows you to see how very sharp the pictures will be when printed. (See an example)
3. Can I get text or graphics added to my picture?
Yes. We are limited by copyright and licensing restrictions for certain logos etc. Please contact us if you have questions or would like examples of what we can do.
4. Can I buy pictures using another form of payment?
Yes. Please contact us with the pictures you are interested in and we can make arrangements.
5. Can I pick up my pictures to avoid shipping charges?
Yes. We are located in De Forest, WI and are in Madison, WI every day. If you are in the area we can arrange a pick-up time.